
Transfers from Lyon to Meribel

What are the differents options ?

The distance between Lyon and Meribel is 195 km. Situated at high altitude, in the moutains, the access to Meribel is not direct and you will need approximately 4 hours by bus or by train with a change to do. Lyon is the second biggest city in France and has an aeroport and several train stations. Whether you arrive by train or by plane from your place, you can then take differents transfers from Lyon to Meribel, either by train or by bus.

What is the easiest way ?

One of the easiest way is is to choose Pacifique Transport! Another way is to rent a car which give you freedom during your stay and enough place to take all your equipment with you but be advised driving to and from resort, and even in the resort is never that easy especially in bad weather.

We have a fleet of big cars with snow tyres. An experienced driver especially trained to drive easily in mountains and in winter can pick you up wherever you will be in Lyon. They will have a notice board with your name on it, will help you with your equipment and luggages and drive you to your destination. If you decide to choose this option, you will gain a lot of time and a peace of mind.

Read more about our Lyon airport transfers.

transfert Prix fixe et très attractif

Fixed price and attractive rates

We guarantee fixed and very attractive prices

transfert | 20 ans d'experience

20 years experience

Professional drivers and impeccable attire who know the area inside out

transfert Disponible 24h24 7J/7

Available 24hrs a day, 7 days a week

Available in Rhône Alpes region

We're here for you

We carry out all your transfers according to your needs between airports and train stations and the ski resorts of Tarentaise (Meribel, Courchevel, La Tania...)

paiement transfert


We accept credit card, cash

confort transfert


Our Transfers are exclusively Private in Mercedes V-Class

Let yourself be driven in style and simplicity

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